God is Calling You

close up of hand with megaphone on demonstration

Hope to Share is a place to explore the Christian faith and grow in your journey with Jesus. Since before conception God had a plan for your life. Once you were old enough, he called you to know him and trust him for salvation. We hope you responded to this direct call from God himself. If not, we still welcome you to read on and check out our site which may help answer questions like: Who is this God anyways?  

If you’ve put your faith in the Lord, we’re glad you’re here. We’d love to help you on your path of being a disciple who makes disciples. Discipleship is most basically defined as, “to know God and make him known.” History proves, lives are transformed through the act of learning to be more like Jesus ⎯ just look at the twelve apostles. It begins with studying the Bible, praying, fellowship with other Christians, and ACTION.

Since before conception God had a plan for your life. Once old enough, he began to call you to know him and trust him for salvation. We hope you responded to this direct call from God. If not, we invite you to read on to answer questions like: Who is this God anyways?  

We’ve all come to the place where we need to make some real changes in our lives. Like most, you’ve probably searched the Internet to learn more about spiritual matters. Knowing stuff is great, but real change can only happen when you apply what you learn. Faith will grow as you put the word of God into practice. Like any good teacher, God will test your faith by calling you to demonstrate what you’ve learned. As his disciple, you will share the Gospel with others, be compelled to help those in need, and use your gifts to glorify God and further his Kingdom; just like Jesus.  

Demonstrating his love in these ways are all part of God’s big plan for you. It sounds a bit scary, but don’t worry, God’s call comes with provisions and his divine favor to succeed. It still involves hard work, and you won’t always get to see the end result, but that is where faith comes in. Think of it like risking your last dollar on a lottery ticket because you are guaranteed to be a winner.

On this site, you will find some helpful articles and tools to help you grow in your discipleship journey. We have material on ways to share your faith, impact the community, how to grow in faith, and how to discover your God-given spiritual gifts. This last one is tricky for some due to doubt, fear, or misunderstanding. Maybe an example will help.

God gave me a love for photography. I can remember getting a Kodak 110 plastic camera one Christmas when I was around ten years old. I was hooked. Over the years I took this passion and learned everything I could on the subject, took classes, and practiced relentlessly on family, friends, or whatever I could find in the backyard. My husband was super grateful when digital became a thing because I was spending a small fortune on film development with little to show for it. As I got better over time, I knew God wanted me to do all things for his glory. I was called to help promote church ministry. With a bit of fear and trepidation I stepped out in faith to offer my services at the next church event. I snapped shots at community outreaches and created photo prayer cards for missionaries. Each time I produced better images and grew to hope they could be used to encourage others or help with needed fundraising efforts.  

Today my love of photography has grown to video production, graphic design, web development, social media, and is a great prompt when writing. These are all skills I use to share the encouraging work God is doing in our lives and ministry at Hope to Share.

We are so excited you are here. If we can be of any help answering the next question, “What’s my call?” please let us know.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

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