In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

We can share the hope we have in Christ in many different ways. Some feel called and equipped to evangelize face-to-face, others to teach in groups, while some may be gifted to share through creative expression. The core value of Hope to Share is to spread the good news of salvation through Jesus as far and wide as possible, but we emphasize reaching the hardest to reach places.
There are billions of people on the planet who’ve never heard the name of Jesus. Most live in places that are inaccessible to foreigners and there are no Christians, churches, or written material available to them. The good news is that many of these people have smart phones today. It is an exciting and unique time in history when a person can reach another on the other side of the globe through technology. We are putting together a team of people who want to help reach others through culturally relevant resources created through:
- Filmmaking,
- Story Telling,
- Web Design,
- Photography,
- Social Media Engagement,
- Interpretation, and
- Cultural consultation.
Pray. Seek God’s wisdom and contact us for more information. We want to hear from you even if you have no experience in any of these fields. There are tons of resources to learn and we can help you get started. Check back here soon as we’ll be listing some up-coming projects to get involved in.
April 5, 2023 – Update
Good Cheer Productions announces a fund-raising campaign to begin pre-production of a Christian thriller planned to begin filming early 2024. The first step will be to develop the story. Hope To Share has partnered with several churches in Chiang Mai to help us with this stage. The plan is to have local Thai’s conduct a survey outside of several movie theaters to learn what type of thriller people would be interested in watching. We also hope to see how receptive they are to direct Christian themes. With this information we can move to the second step; writing the script with the help of cultural advisors. In a foreign culture it is imperative that we, as westerners, understand the cultural context in order to convey our message in a way that is both relevant and understood. For instance, we found that after sharing the verse John 3:16 with a Thai person we just met, they interpreted the message to mean a malevolent god sacrificed his only son, condemning him to a cycle of suffering and rebirth on this earth, to get something he loved more. Without sensitivity to cultural context, people often misunderstand what we hope to share.
Funds raised for this project will help pay for camera equipment, cultural advisor fees, cast, props, costumes, set design, permits and other administrative costs. If you would like to give toward this project and be listed as a contributor, assistant producer, or executive producer please access the donation page here: or contact [email protected] with any questions.
January 28 – February 26, 2023 – Update
Co-Founder, Justine Wolfley works with Create Mobile in Battambang, Cambodia to film: Long Journey Home (in post-production).
December 1, 2022 – Update
We are currently planning our next film project in Thailand. If you are interested in helping with this please contact us asap.
November 27, 2022 – Update
We finished our first short film titled, “The Wasteful One Returns” this week. We managed to pull off with just three crew members. While the production is far from perfect, we had a lot of fun putting it together and learned a ton. Turn on closed caption for English subtitles